Our Churches of Hope Press on Faithfully
For all of us, this year has brought many changes. As we have adjusted to the best ways to serve our community, one thing that has remained consistent is the faithfulness of the local body of Christ. Our Churches of Hope are the foundation to all we do. In normal circumstances, these faithful servants would be seen preparing and serving weekly lunches to those who come to the Center in need of a hot meal. Today, they can be seen just as faithful as they prepare food boxes, greet families with a warm smile and encouragement and pray for the requests that are shared with them. Week by week, they have continued to show up, and we couldn’t do this work without them.
In addition to serving during our normal hours, many of our church partners have stepped up once again to provide food items towards our annual Christmas Food Baskets. Typically a festive, week-long opportunity for people to pick up items for a Christmas meal, this year we are going next level with a full-day celebration for participants, complete with hot chocolate and cookies, visits by Santa, carolers and more, along with providing the items needed for their special Christmas meal! And who else would be there right by our side serving during this event than our church partners and volunteers? We are so grateful for the dedication of their time and resources to help make this event a joy-filled celebration. For a full list of items needed for our Christmas Food Baskets celebration, please view here.