A Summer of Hope Amidst Changes
*Updated 8/10/2020
Camp Hope, our summer program for kids, has continued to press on to minister to families and children, even if that has looked a little different this year. Through the partnership with 8 of our Churches of Hope and other organizations like Cook Children’s Hospital, we have been able to share the love and truth of Christ to 274 children through virtual camps throughout June, July and the first week in August.
Bible teachings have been shared online with children and families, as well as a fun craft and simple, nutritious recipes and materials from Cook Children’s for children to grow in healthy living. Weekly food bags have been available for drive-thru pick-up at locations throughout Parker County. Included with the food bags have been books, bookmarks and information about the Weatherford Public Library’s summer reading program to encourage children in their continued learning (with the chance to win prizes!). Fun outdoor activities and games provided by Cook Children’s have also been distributed.
Through online teachings, committed prayers and food drives, Camp Hope and our partners have continued to persevere to meet the practical and spiritual needs of families and children seeking hope this summer. Learn more about Camp Hope and our Family Empowerment programs here.