2018 Center of Hope Donors
Center of Hope would not exist without our donors. In an effort to be transparent, we are posting the names of all donors for 2018 (other than those who requested to remain anonymous). If you gave a donation and do not see your name on this list please call our Chief Executive Officer at 817-594-0266 ext 305.
Michael Acuff
Mike & Mitzi Adams
Christina Adcock
Adell Community Fellowship
Adult 1 Sunday School Class – First Baptist Church Willow Park
Adult Probation
Pamela Albert
Debbie Alexander
Diane Allen
Fred and Sally Allen
Alliance Concrete Lifting
Donald Allyn
Amazon Smile
America’s Best Charities DFW
America’s Charities
American Endowment Foundation
Gerald and Jackie Anderson
Darrel and Vicki Andrews
Platon Antonio
John and Sandra Archibald
Ruth Arthur
Arleen Atkins
David and Caren Atkinson
Mack Avery
Carrol and Blossom Aycock
B Bar T, Taco Casa
Larry and Lynn Baber
Cody Bailey
Barbara F. Wheeler Foundation
Jim and Debbie Barber
Barker Utility Services
George Bearden
Gary and Linda Beavers
John and Jane Bessolo
Beulah Baptist Church
Mike Bien
Allen Bixby
Otis and Rebecca Blackwood
Tony and Lydia Blythe
James and Janice Bogdanoff
Linda Bogle
Ann Bolton
Cheryl Bothwell
Wade and Wanda Boyles
Kathleen Brandon
Brasovan Group LLC
Brazos Trail Cowboy Church
Breathe Easy Vapes LP
Jane Brenner
Brett G Taylor Royalty Trust
Don and LaVonne Brock
Julie Brock
Brock ISD
Richard and Mary Brouse
Donald and Beverly Brown
Steve and Laura Brown
Timothy Brown
Brown Bag Bible Study
Michael and Susan Brunner
Leslie Bullard
Linda Bullin
Patrick Burns
Michelle Burton
Tim and Ginny Butterfield
Dan Buttolph
Robert and Jo Anne Carlson
Claudia Carnes
Joel and Jeanne Carruth
JoAnn Causey
Central Christian Church
Perry and Jo Cheatham
Rakisha Chenault
Pat Chenault-Martin
Dan and Gwen Chick
Christ Chapel Bible Church
Cierra Christopher
Church at the Crossing
Citywide Events Inc
Nancy Clark
Clear Fork Baptist Church
Cleburne Drug Inc
Julie Cliett
Trey and Kara Cobb
Anna Colley
David Colson
Charlsie Colvin
Communities Foundation of Texas
Community Baptist Church
Community Foundation of North Texas
Angie Conley
Michelle Rist and Vickie Coody
Burton and Karen Cook
Douglas Cook
Cook Children’s
Brenda Cowan
Cox Financial Group
Todd Creel
Thomas and Korene Crippes
Cross Timbers Bible Church
Lisa Crow
Cutburth Construction
Kenneth and Sandra Dailey
Ricky Dandridge
Greg and Margaret Davis
Ken and Gaila Davis
Ray and Brenda Davis
Sarah Davis
Auber Dean
Danny and Janet Deel
James and Claudine DeVoll
Cindy Dickason
Darcy Dockens
Brian and Kathy Dorchester
Marilyn Doyle-Whitson
Jerry and Vickie Durant
Adam and Jill Dusza
Lance and Jennifer Eason
East Parker Co Chamber of Commerce
Sheila Eaton
Edward Jones
Mark and Sarah Eidson
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Barbara Epps
Eureka Baptist Church
Zorena Ewing
Exelon Foundation
David and Barbara Falk
Family & Community Education
Bryan and Amy Farmer
Fellowship Baptist Church
Ann Ferrell
Fidelity Charitable
Douglas and Bonnie Finch
First Baptist Church Horseshoe Bend
First Baptist Church of Dennis
First Baptist Church of Weatherford
First National Bank
First United Methodist
Lucy Fischer
Fit Body Bootcamp
Flourishing Tree of Life Inc.
Lisa Flowers
James and Pyllis Ford
Phyllis Ford
Juanell Francis
Peggy Franklin
Courtney Freeman
Timothy and Frances Froehlich
FUMC – United Methodist Women
Fun Publications, Inc.
Rebecca Gadus
Elmer and Barbara Galloway
Garner Baptist Church of Parker Co.
Martha Garrett
Garrett Wealth Advisory Group
Karon Gary
Charles and Kimberly Gavaletz
B.J. & S.R. Gazzola
Nicolas Gean
Genesis United Methodist Church
David and Cynthia Gentry
Darren and Lisa George
Jay and Beverly Gibbs
Marvin and Dina Glasgow
Bob and Carolyn Glenn
Dale Golgart
Judy Goodwin
Jennifer Gossett
Grace Baptist Church
Grace Community Fellowship
Greater Horizons
Greenwood Baptist Church
Lee and Lynn Gromann
Eric Grupe
Michael and Jennifer Guenthardt
Larry and Jorene Guyton
Lillian and Edith Haile
Janelle Hall
Peggy Hanley
Becky Hanley-Sharp
Meredity and Nancy Hard
Brian and Pamela Hardy
Harmony Baptist Church
Kurt and Patty Harris
Harvest Hills Family Church
Raymond and Tracey Hass
Jerry Hawk
Glen Hecox
Jeff and Susie Henning
Mike Henson
Heritage Baptist Church
Bryan Hickey
Terence Higgins
Gary and Jeanie Hobbs
Wesley Holder
Tommy and Barbara Holladay
Linda Hood
Mollie Hopper
Martha Horsman
Horton Plumbing Inc.
Jeffery and Kimberly Horwedel
Rob and Brenda Howard
Shirley Howard
Mary Huffhines
Barbara Hughes
Greg and Sandra Husmann
Joyce Jackson
Mark and Patty Jackson
Larry and Rita Jernigan
Jim Fortenberry Home Improvement
Brenda Johnson
Curtis and Pat Johnson
Ed and Mary Johnson
Sandra Johnson
Thomas and Dana Johnson
Clyde Johnston
Dora Jones
Glenn and Janis Jones
Landon and Kelsey Jones
Jordan Engineering LLC
Matching Gift & Volunteer Programs – JPMorgan Chase Foundation
JRJ Construction
Karen Kennedy
Lindsey Kennimer
Tom and Susan Kersey
Dr. and Mrs. Nusrat Khan
Phil and Terry King
Walter and Dawn King
John and Pam Kirkland
Kiwanis Club of Weatherford
KNB Architects PLLC
Knights of Columbus Holy Spirit Council 7264
Nicole Kurle
L.I.T. Ministries
Brooke Ladouceur
Lakeshore Drive Baptist Church
Christian Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. M. Lancaster
Laura Landers
Marnita Langford
Lisa Lankes
Linda Lantz
Phillip Ledbetter
Field & Melanie Ledford
Gary and Kay Lee
Judy Lee
Kathy Lewis
Mark and Traci Lewis
Life Sanctuary of Weatherford
Erin Jennings Light
Frances Lilley
Rodney and Kathryn Linde
Donna Linn
Louise Lipsky
Lipsky & Associates Inc.
Lockheed 2nd
Ted and Loree Long
Robert Luoma
Mader-Bagley State Farm Insurance
Staci Markwardt
Catherine “Kit” Marshall
Bill and Verna Martin
Chris and Carole Martin
Kirk and Angie Martin
Margaret Martin
Evelyn Mathis
Douglas and Tricia Matteson
Wade Maxfield
Derek and Susan May
James and Jan May
Vicki May
Richard and Virginia Mayfield
Roger and Linda McCasland
Mack and Barbara McCollum
Mary Helen McDow
Peter McDow
Medical City Weatherford
James and Whitney Meintjes
Robert and Carlynn Messer
Darci Miklos
Aaron Miller
Keith and Suzanne Miller
Roscoe and Jenny Miller
Philip and Martha Modesitt
Christopher Montgomery
Donna Montgomery
Philip and Linda Montgomery
Charity Moore
Deborah Morrison
Hazel Mulanax
Shania Murphy
My Alarm Center LLC
Charles and Sheila Nagel
Mark and Marjorie Nelson
Neon Life Church
Charles and Cheryl Nesmith
Network for Good
Richard Neverdousky
New Hope Baptist Church
New River Fellowship
DeAnne Newberry
Charles Newby
Donald and Susan Newton
Northside Baptist Church
Northside Baptist Church – Mary Martha SS Class
Novartis Corporate Charity Account
Oak Ridge Church of Christ
Oakline Floors
Oneok Partners Intermediate LP
Gail Pace
DBA Kids Against Hunger in Parker Co. – Parker Co. Ministerial Alliance
Parker Co. Probation
Parker County Baptist Association
Parker County Cowboy Church
Parker County Cruisers
Parker County Health Foundation
Randt and Debbie Parrott
Dorothy Passaro
Heather Payne
Scott and Elaine Pegues
David Perkins
J.W. and Beverly Perott
Gary Peters
Clint and Virginia Petrey
Hong (Rose) Peurifoy
Grace and Karen Phillips
Robert Phillips
Karen and Dennis Pike
Sherman and Karen Pike
Wayne and Debbie Pipes
Alicia Pittman
Stephen and Nancy Plumlee
PNC Institutional Investments
Karin Poehlmann
Robert and Linda Poer
Frank and Oneida Pool
James Preston
Lynn Prochaska
Connie Proctor
ProPath Services
Jeremy and Mindy Pulliam
Pulliam Pool Builders Inc.
Quilters Guild of Parker County
R&E Consulting Group
Rainwater Charitable Foundation
John and Flora Ramey
Valerie Ranspot
James and Jana Ray
Mark Ray
Geraldine Redish
Dorothy Reynolds
Mary Reynolds
Peggy Richards
Albert Riebe
Mary Robb
Jeff and Paula Robinson
Susan Robinson
Vickie Robinson
Nathan Roepke
Stan Romack
Rotary Club of Aledo
Leland and Carol Rudiger
Gregory Runnebaum
John Ryan
Richard and Christine Safford
Samaritan Ministries
Michael and Reta Saunders
Rebecca Savage
Curtis and Jacque Scheffe
Schwab Charitable
Barbara and Gerald Scott
Chad and Vicki Sears
Clay Self
Carol Shelley
Ronald Simmons
Tracy Simmons
Ron and Carolyn Simpson
John and Dee Slater
Rhonda Slates
Charlsta Smith
Christy Smith
Greg and Linda Smith
Kathy Smith
Landon and Shelby Smith
Shelby Smith-Frank
South Side Baptist Church
Spring Creek Baptist Church
St. Paul Lutheran Church
St. Stephens Church
Kirk and Jeana Stallons
Gavin and Jessica Staples
William and Winston Starling
Stonewater Church
Hayley Stotler
W.R. Stovall
Sugar Tree Bunco Girls
Rosemarie Swaim
Frank and Martha Tandy
Todd Tanner
Target Corporation
Timothy and Katharine Taylor
Richard and Robin Tedder
Texas Health Resources
Texas Lawns
Texas Mutual Insurance Co.
The Brownstone Church
The Carolyn & Robert Jr. Allison
The Church in Peaster
The Fort Worth Foundation Trust
The Gathering Church at Brock
The Honorable Craig Towson and Mrs. Towson
The Shutter Shoppe
Richard and Anita Thigpen
Scott Thompson
Richard Thomsen
Les and Sarah Thornburg
Tison Middle School
Kenneth Todd
Tri-County Electric
Trinity Bible Church
Trinity Packaging
M.J. Trinkle
Ron and Charlcie Trotter
Chance Tudyk
Wendy Tverdos
Don Underhill
Union Baptist Church
Union Pacific
United Way of Parker County
United Way of Tarrant County
James and Sharon Van Zandt
John and Becky Vicknair
Victory Baptist Church
Donald and Leona Wade
Walmart – S. Main
Jill Walczak
Andrew and Kristie Walker
Joy Walker
Paul Walker
Robert and Trobie Walls
Judy Watts
Weatherford Disc Golf Club
Weatherford Disc Golf Club
Weatherford High School Tennis Team
Weatherford KOA Journey
Weatherford Narcotics Anonymous
James and Helen Weddle
Jeff Weemes
Fletcher Weems
Christopher Wells
Kendall Wessel
Wesley and Jan Westbrook
Nancy Wester
Richard Wheatley
Bob White
Edgar Wiese
Doug and Kim Wilkinson
Robert and Patricia Wilkinson
Jeffrey and Kathy Williams
Jeffrey and Lori Williams
Lisa Williams
Rex Williams
Willow Park Baptist Church
Carolyn Wilson
Kenneth and Teresa Wilson
Benjamin Winkelblech
Mark and Diane Winkelblech
Karen Winsett
William and Ellen Woodward
Dottie Worthington
Walter and Jo Worthington
Ed and Janice Wueste
Wynn Douglas White Foundation
Dennis York
Arnold and Kathy Yosten
Darcy Young
Gayle Young
Keith and Patti Young
Justin Young
Jerry Youngblood
Martha Yount
Nicholas and Erin Yount
Zonta Club of Parker County
Vicki Zoot